Monday, February 19, 2007


Dear Reader,

Due to a longer series of unfortunate and irrelevant events, the latest writings has vanished and reappered in a new shape. In the Chinese year of the golden pig, when everything feels a bit twisted , it’s time for this blog to put one foot to the ground and take a political stance.

For quite a time now the swedish mediaclimate has revovled around the issue of human impacts on environment. This is essentially a nice gesture. But, like any other Hollywood film there has to be some kind of a threat (this is hotstuff journalistic people!!), where the swedish media has labeled this threat The Climate Threat. To smother this bad villain the swedish government decided to appoint a commission. Commission comsmishooon. It’s with laughter and sorrow in my heart one establish the fact that the whole thing feels like some kind of wierd part from Franz K.’s Das Process. Hey, let’s hide all of the worlds environmental issues in a bureaucratic web of commissions. Yeah, why not.

Anyways; the core of this discussion is that the swedish government are bastards with double standards (Mr. Fredrik R. would do more for the environment if he let his fuelswallowing SUV stay in his garage), and the swedish media takes common people for uncritical fools. Let’s examine the latter more closely. It’s a known fact that such a diffuse subject as the climate change never would have got so much attention if it weren’t for this mild swedish winter. The logics of media involve that journalists do not report about an event if they can’t twist, simplify, concretize or impersonate it. The issue of climate change is neither of this. So how come this issue is all over the swedish newspapers? A guess is that high-position editors suddenly noticed that ski-season was in danger and they no longer could take their SUV’s to the scandinavian mountains. And as we all know, this is of great importance for them, so they can keep on spew whatever crap on us. Is this cyncial? Let’s first talk about how human race is the only species that are destroying their own possibility for survival, then we can talk about cynical.

Sincerely yours X


Anonymous said...

Totally agree with you on this issue. The tabloids of the biggest newspapers in Sweden talks about global warming as an enemy we need to track down by abandon our SUV:s for some time. Than everything will go back to normal....NOT!

And in the same tragic way we can agree on how the politicians that rule our country these days spins themselves deeper into the buearacratic net and put fuel on the frustration from enlighted citizens like you and me X!

Anonymous said...

Det är upp till varje person att ta sitt eget ansvar för miljön, du kan inte lägga allt ansvar på politikerna. Jag ska nog spara några träd och strunta i det där gratiserbjudandet från GP i alla fall eric. ;-) /e

X said...

det är inte endast upp till varje människa. vi har folk som bestämemr saker över huvudet på oss varje dag, utan du och jag har speciellt mycket att säga om det. dessa "folkvalda" handlar inte alltid vare sig konsekvent eller godtagbart, coh det behöver dom höra mer än en gång. En kommission uppfyller inte sitt syfte om den som tillsatt den inte lever efter det han predikar om. Vad sänder det för signaler till småfolket? Allas farsor är ju inte budnis med statsminstern käre E. Fridens!