Monday, January 29, 2007


Even though we burn with the desire to find solid ground and an ultimate foundation in our attempts to reach the infinte - we must understand that the desire itself is the very foundation of our existence. The search for knowledge - with the insight that knowledge is a variable object - is what driving us to the ends of this world (and others); to the end of windswept and dark nights and beyond. These are senses that has driven same spirits to the the 1930’s Montparnasse - the 1960’s Greenwich Village, and in our time – to the streets of Berlin. Though - the truth is forever elusive. You never quite find it but the search for it is compulsive. The search is clearly what drives the endeavour. The search is your task. More often than not you stumble upon the truth in the dark, colliding with it or just glimpsing an image or a shape which seems to correspond to the truth, often without realising that you have done so. But the real truth is that there never is any such thing as one truth.

So, you may ask yourself then, are there no such things as timeless ideas? Yes and no. Some ideas may appear as timeless, but if you fully believe in that you are just decieving yourself. Ideas live for one day, or for a lifetime if you want them to, and are re-born each time a thought is reaching for it - it’s as simple as that. So learn from this; Newton got struck by an apple while sitting under a tree, giving him the idea of gravity, this is a widely spread tale. But instead of sitting under the tree you should climb it, and gather all the apples you can reach. The rotten ones isn’t always a bad pick, but you’ll figure that out yourself. Futhermore the choices you make will reflect in your everyday decisions as a consequence of this. Thus, if you one night are finding yourself singing video killed the video-star to a human karaoke machine, with a smile on your face, this isn’t a result of a decision made by God almighty, it’s a decision made by you. If you really believe in it, this may feel like an act of God, and that’s just excellent.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Extract from D. Berman's Actual air & N. Bauer contemporary writings

The moon hung solid over the boarded-up Hobby Shop.
P.K. was in the precinct house, using his one phone call
to dedicate a song to Tammy, for she was the light
by which he traveled into this and that.

And out in the city, out in the wide readership,

his younger brother was kicking an ice bucket

in the woods behind the Marriott

his younger brother who was missing the part of the brain

that allows you to make out with your pillow.

Poor kid.

It was the light in things that made them last.

So - standing in the middle of this abyss called Gothenburg - it makes you wonder; is the rain everfalling, is it going to stop, ever? I, or someone else must have angered the Gods, I think for myself sometimes. Then, suddenly I remember that I’ve left my heart downstairs, free for all the neighbours to stomp on it. I find it bad damaged, nevermind, I’ve never liked them anyways. The worldworm, which on day is going to gobble us all, is knockin’ on my window. I’d let him in if it weren’t for my parents which are sittning on my fancy sofa. They are pretty finicky about such things. I’m the first swede in space. I’m Christer Fuglesang waving to everybody, seeing it all from a new perspective, from above. I’d love that. Floating away. 3, 2, 1, take off. Memories from the past. Watching the worlds greatest televison-series in my boyroom. The feeling of recognision, to belong. The past have a negative impact on you, I tell myself loud. And so I open the window.